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BP24903-BK-Size L
The texture is so light and fluffy that it is hard to believe it is wool, and it is also extremely warm. Inspired by the outdoor gear of the 1970s, this zip jacket is made of a special wool. The material is Australian merino wool. Fine merino wool, which has finer fibers, smooth texture, and high warmth retention properties among the merino wools, is used. This luxurious material is then knitted into a sweatshirt-like fabric, resulting in a lightweight, soft, and supremely comfortable garment with outstanding warmth retention. The raglan sleeves allow for easy movement even when wearing innerwear, and you will feel the high level of warmth it provides when using it as outerwear or as a layering item for jackets and coats.
【Product Details】
- "BURGUS" comes from the word "fortresses" in Medieval Latin. "BURGUS PLUS" was named that the brand supposed it was a castle in one country, with hoping it would become a brand loved by people by creating high-quality products with attention to details. Also in order to aim for further evolution, PLUS was added to "BURGUS".
Size | Chest | Back Length | *Neck to Sleeve |
M | 55cm | 66cm | 85cm |
L | 58cm | 69cm | 88cm |
XL | 61cm | 71cm | 91cm |
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