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WR-15066S-DB-Size US7
WHEEL ROBEのPLAIN TOE BLUCHER - OLD SNUFF。ラスト(木型)は1940年代のUS NAVYサービスシューズをベースにしながらも、Eワイズに落とし込み、丸みを帯びた柔らかいシェイプが特徴。レザーは英国老舗タンナー、チャールズ・F・ステッド社のスウェードを使用。毛足が短く、キメが細かい上品な表情は、靴に生まれるべくして生まれたレザーです。製法はグッドイヤーウェルト。ソールはハーフラバーなので、雨の日も安心して履けます。さらに、ヒールにはアメリカのワークブーツ史において欠かすことの出来ない存在である『CAT'S PAW』を採用。スウェードならではのカジュアルさもありながら、隠しきれない品の良さ。仕事もプライベートも問わず履ける一足です。
【Product Details】
- "WHEEL ROBE" is a brand that conceptualizes 'Following in the footsteps of products'. The Shoes involved various industrial engineers are filled with their dreams. Shoes are produced through the various processes such as hide ingestion, tanning, cutting, sewing, lasting, bottoming, and finishing. However those are just processes for making products. Shoes are finished through the process that consumer put on them and various faces added on them. The most important thing in the production process is a shoe-last of wood which affects most to comfort and easy to walk. Therefore a shoe-last of wood is most important for "WHEEL ROBE" to follow their concept. Shoes are finished with a strong presence by sticking to the universal design and traditional detail and producing those without compromises on materials and sewing. "WHEEL ROBE" has started with their wishes that consumers put on such shoes with an attachment for the rest of thier lives.
Size | US7 | US7.5 | US8 | US8.5 | US9 |
Size(㎝) | 25.0cm | 25.5cm | 26.0cm | 26.5cm | 27.0cm |
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